Social Media Revolution

Make your social media work smarter, not harder.

Are you tired of feeling like you’re in a social media rat race? It’s time to slow things down and learn our revolutionary Slow Social Method.

In this training, you’ll discover how to collect inspiration for your chosen social media site, plan out your content, create engaging posts, and evaluate your results – all without breaking a sweat.

With our method, you’ll be able to manage your social media with ease, leaving more time for your daily cat video viewing – well we’d better see you relaxing outdoors, but hey.

Plus, your content will be so effective, you’ll be converting followers into customers faster than you can say „like and subscribe”.

4 week Basic training

From 1st November until 1st December you will recieve 10 emails about Slow Social method and how you can also create your own Slow but steady social media management rutine. 

Short but sweet theory and huge amount of perpective and live changing exercise that will show you it is worth to work slow, grow steady.  

Slow Social Method: For those who want results, not just likes.

Slow Social Method training is for any social media teams, managers, or individuals responsible for managing a company’s social media presence.


Create better content

It's also ideal for those who want to learn how to create content that truly resonates with their audience and drives real results for their business

Slow and steady growth

It's beneficial for those who feel overwhelmed by the fast-paced nature of social media and want to adopt a more efficient and effective approach to their strategy. 

Dream of the boss and the manager

This method combines bringing results, and numbers and letting a person in charge enjoy the work that used to feel like captivity. Who doesn't want that?

The secret to social media success? Slow down and get intentional.

Get inspired, create, evaluate, repeat: The Slow Social Method.

Better content, better results, better business.

Transform your social media presence, one post at a time.

This training is the dream of every company owner because it offers a comprehensive approach to social media management that leads to better results and less stress.

By adopting the Slow Social Method, your company can improve the quality of its social media content, gain a deeper understanding of its audience, and drive better results on its social media platforms leading to increased brand awareness, higher engagement rates, and ultimately, more sales and revenue for the business

By streamlining the social media management process, you can save time and resources, allowing you and your team to focus on other important aspects of the business.

I don't know about you, but I'm ready to be a social media wizard! Let's wave our wands and cast some spells on those timelines!

Frequently Asked Questions

What makes the Slow Social Method different from other social media trainings?

The Slow Social Method is different because it focuses on a more deliberate and intentional approach to social media management, with an emphasis on quality over quantity.

Is this training suitable for businesses of all sizes?

Yes, the Slow Social Method training is suitable for businesses of all sizes, whether you're a small startup or a medium-sized company.

How long does the training take?

The length of the training will depend on the specific program, but most programs can be completed within 4 weeks.

Can I expect to see results immediately after completing the training?

While it may take some time to see the full effects of the Slow Social Method, you can expect to see some improvement in your social media results relatively quickly after implementing the strategies you've learned. As we are implementing week by week what you have learned.

What kind of ongoing support is offered after the training is completed?

This will vary depending on your specific program, but we do offer 2 follow-up sessions after the training. The first one month later and the second 3 months later.

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